
Program & Research

From its founding in the 1950s, the hydrology program in the Earth and Environmental Science (E&ag亚游集团App下载的ES)系一直在跨学科工作 回答影响社会和世界的水问题. 我们的重点是建立科学的 了解塑造全球水可持续性的基本过程,一,五, 十年甚至五十年后. 水文学专业有5名全职教师 成员和整个欧盟的密切合作&ES department. 此外,我们工作 closely with other research organizations at New Mexico Tech and the broader hydrologic 社区遍布新墨西哥州和美国.

水文学项目的研究涉及水科学的各个方面, 这使得该项目在E&ES department. Major research areas include watershed and stream hydrology and geomorphology, basin-scale to continental-scale hydrogeology, hydrothermal and subsurface energy systems such as carbon capture and 地下储存和地热能,以及水文地球物理学.

Our research spans scales from the atomic, to the grain, and pore-scale to regional and continental scale processes, and, despite the small size of our institution, touch 在这两者之间的几乎每一个方面.

What is hydrology?


NM Socorro外M山的季风降水.


The field of hydrology answers questions about how much water there is and how fast is it flowing (physical hydrology), and what is in it and how its composition changes 穿越时空(化学水文). 这必然是广义的:水文学家 研究系统范围从微小的孔隙和裂缝到单个尺度的流动 sand grains, to a single reach in a stream or a single well in an aquifer, to a watershed 或盆地,到整个大陆或俯冲板块边界.

在水循环中,我们做的每件事都与水有关 tree canopy down through the part of the crust that allows flow – often down several kilometers. 如果你担心一个社区现在或将来有多少水 未来,水文学家将致力于理解这些问题. 





Hydrologists are involved with almost every aspect of our world’s response to climate 变化是因为它直接影响了水文循环. 在ag亚游集团App下载,我们 正在努力了解气候变化 impacts 从分水岭的顶端到大海. 我们正在研究森林火灾是如何增加的 积雪的减少正在影响河流流量. 水文学家也负有责任 为地下水弹性管理提供了数据和模型 随着气候变化,野生地区,农民和城市. 这些研究包括 mixture of direct measurements and using geophysics and satellite imagery to understand 超越人类感知的世界.

但水文学家也参与其中 mitigating climate change. 水文学家以小组为单位发现和开发地热能 resources. 我们以小组形式储存能源和废物,如氢气、二氧化碳和核能 waste – underground. 这涉及到建模和实验工作的混合 on flow and transport of fluids, water-driven chemical reactions, and understanding 地震和诱发地震活动.

Hydrologists also study surface water and floods by tracking water as it is transformed 从降雨到山坡上的水流再到溪流.  水文学家正在开发新的 methods for flood prediction and warning that save lives and mitigate damage to property. Hydrologists also study  sediment production and movement during floods as it impacts 水资源与洪水预报. 洪水的历史,或者沉积记录 produced by past flows, is also one way to understand ancient climates, 100s to 10,000s, 到一百万年前.

水文学家结合实地观察、实验室测量和实验 数值模型来回答跨越空间和时间尺度的问题. Because of the inability to access the subsurface or even a small percentage of the surface of the Earth, we use a broad range of tools, often working across other disciplines (civil engineering, soil science, geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, geomorphology) 来回答我们的问题.

Major divisions

流域及溪流水文学(Daniel Cadol and Kate Leary)

水是地球表面的主要雕刻家——侵蚀来自山脉的沉积物 and plateaus before conveying that sediment downstream via rivers and streams to the ocean. 几个世纪以来,河流及其洪泛平原一直是资源中心 对人类进化至关重要. 它们也是至关重要的淡水资源 flora and fauna. 了解河流、人类社会和生态之间的相互作用 是了解地球表面如何随时间演变的关键. Additionally, river 沉积物是地层记录的组成部分. 了解河流 在当前的动态中,我们可以揭示深层的河流动态. Our group aims to understand the dynamics of river systems from the grain to watershed scales 在现在和过去的地质时期.


来自Socorro高中的学生在EmRiver教学中探索河流动力学 实验流表.



Dr. 卡多尔的研究包括对水和沉积物运输的实地观察 在一个最先进的水槽中,在剧烈的洪水中短暂的通道有沉积物 圈闭、超声波层载监测、阶段监测和地震监测等 well as measurement of evapotranspiration, run-off and sediment production in burnt forests. 

Dr. Leary的研究重点是利用实验地貌学来阐明细节 在现代和古代环境中的河床动力学. 在现代环境中. Leary and her students investigate the grain scale dynamics of bedload transport over 沙丘和河床动力学通过洪水事件. 这些实验数据 仅提供对现代系统的一瞥,但可用于开发新工艺 解释古河流沉积的沉积学统计工具. Dr. Leary and her students use these new tools to investigate paleoflow dynamics of ancient river 比如古格兰德河. 


EES MSc student, Leah Tevis, conducting sediment transport experiments at the Arizona 州立大学河流动力学实验室.

Hydrogeology (Mark Person, Alex Rinehart and Glenn Spinelli)

Groundwater flow isn’t just about the quantity of water in an aquifer, but also controls seismic hazard in subducting slabs, transport of contaminants such as radionuclides, the resilience of surface water supplies, and the presence of ancient freshwater on and offshore. NMT的水文地质学研究人员将数值模拟, field observations and sampling for groundwater age, chemistry and isotopic composition, 地球物理表征,包括温度、重力和大地电磁; 更多的是为了了解地下的水流.


Schematic diagram depicting fluid flow impelling mechanisms within the Earth’s crust (摘自珀森和鲍姆加特纳,1995年).

热液系统和地下蓄能(Mark Person, Glenn Spinelli and Alex Rinehart)

Along with colleagues in geochemistry, the hydrology program has active research in 热液系统中水的形成和流动,以及认识 how introducing CO2 储层的其他外部流体会改变储层的性质. Geothermal 热液系统发生在热量积聚速度快于平流速度的地方 out, leading to hot (>100°C) waters and possible overpressures. 

Mark Person explores active and blind geothermal systems using a combination of geophysics (大地电磁学),数值模拟和地热测量. 在大型团队中工作 and with colleagues such as Shari Kelley at the NM Bureau of Geology, Person has explored 新墨西哥州周围的一些地热系统.

格伦·斯皮内利一直致力于了解热量和水在 洋壳,因为它是俯冲的. 他使用了数值模拟,详细说明了这一点 section analysis and rock property measurements, and ocean-bottom drilling and temperature 通过测量来理解这些系统.

亚历克斯·莱因哈特一直领导着一个水文项目的研究小组 在石油采收率研究中心探索如何引入CO2 for long-term storage changes the strength, permeability and chemistry of the storage formations. 他主要使用高压、高温实验来模拟 subsurface conditions followed by detailed thin-section and higher resolution observations 了解损坏的类型和程度. 此外,他的实验室测量相对 岩石的渗透性和多相流特性.


EES MSc graduate, Matt Perry, preparing to deploy a heat flow probe offshore Oregon (与格伦·斯皮内利一起进行研究巡航).


Former NMT MS student and now PRRC research associate Jason Simmons running high-pressure, high-temperature flow-through experiments to understand formation damage during CO2 注入和储存.



Figure (A) Photo of field deployment of magnetometer as part of the Truth or Consequences 大地电磁(MT)野外活动. (B)真理或后果附近的MT站点. (C ) 理想化的地质剖面显示裂缝性、渗透性结晶基底 岩石(紫色),含水层/围封单元系统(绿松石色到橙色)和第三纪 basin fill (red). 并不是说沉积单元由于热附近的侵蚀而缺失 Spring District. 白色箭头表示通过晶体的地下水流动系统 basement. We hypothesize that along the flow path, groundwater is heated to > 100 °C. 流体-岩石相互作用可使矿化度增加至2000mg /l. 在这种情况下, 岩层电阻率变得更导电性(更高的值). (D) Formation 沿流道电阻率图(来源:Pepin, 2019).


Hydrogeophysics (Susan Bilek, Dan Cadol, Alex Rinehart, and Glenn Spinelli)

As part of her research program in environmental seismology, Bilek used seismic energy

produced from shallow/surficial processes to help characterize environmental forces 例如水运和质运.  她目前在这个领域的项目包括 flow in a shallow karst aquifer in northern Florida as well as tracking bedload movement 在新墨西哥州和以色列的季风山洪暴发期间.  这些项目在很大程度上 interdisciplinary, with colleagues in hydrology, geodesy, and geomorphology all involved 现场数据收集和分析.


Bilek, Spinelli and students conducting a shallow geophysical hammer survey (Spinelli 挥动着锤子!),以描绘浅层的特征 速度结构和确定深度-水位. 这是一项更大研究的一部分 利用地震台网了解河床荷载和河道湍流水流.


An undergraduate student running a regional gravity survey on the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge.

student-GPSA graduate student maintaining a GPS station monitoring groundwater in southern New Mexico.


斯皮内利正在进行断层带渗透率和水文学方面的研究. This work couples well monitoring, electrical resistivity and impedance surveys and detailed 里奥格兰德裂谷砂岩的露头和薄片地质.

Rinehart is working on using surface deformation and gravity measurements to understand 水在地下的运动. 他重复进行重力调查来了解 地表水-地下水相互作用. 他还领导了本科生的工作 学生进行区域重力调查,以了解盆地的几何形状,并在 转向,那是如何控制大规模地下水流动的. 他也和比莱克一起工作 and collaborators to link how surface deformation can be used to understand aquifer 跨尺度的特性,而不是局限于单个井.


Susan Bilek. 震源物理与环境地震学

Daniel Cadol. 流域和溪流过程,森林火灾水文地貌

Kate Leary. 河流地貌学与过程沉积学.

Mark Person. 水文地质学和水文地球物理学.

Fred Phillips (Emeritus). 水文地质学、环境示踪剂和宇宙核素地质年代学 

Alex Rinehart. 水文地球物理学,地下蓄能和环境岩石力学.

Glenn Spinelli. Marine hydrogeology, fault zone hydrology and sedimentology and sediment properties.

John Wilson (Emeritus). 水文地质学和喀斯特水文学